Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"X-Training Madness"

Last night was another wonderful Tuesday workout.

We were told we'd have a cross-training session, so I had my fingers crossed that that meant NO RUNNING!

Unfortunately, I was wrong. We started out running up a hill and back for roughly 8 minutes (I really need a running watch sometime soon....anyone have an old one they want to donate to me? I'm poor.)

I did pretty well for that go round, especially for going up the hill (a very slight hill, but boy did I feel it!).

After that run, we did a series of exercises like running in place with our knees up, calf raises, push-ups and squats. Another run up the hill....and I was not as good this time. I had to take a walking break but I made it back in time to do lunges (forwards, backwards, sideways) and crab/frog walks (I forget the actual name). Fun stuff like that.

By that point, I couldn't take another (3rd) run up the hill because I actually started feeling a little sick (it was my bright idea to down 2 cups of coffee right before heading to the park since I was getting pretty tired at work), so I joined another group in a stretch while I waited for Lindsay to get back from that last run.'s your turn to pipe you know the distance of each run we did? (feel free to mention anything i left out.....and let us know how you feel today!)

I'm actually not too sore like they said we would be. I'm feeling a little tight on the backs of my thighs and my abs, but that's it. Nothing painful or unbearable. Actually feels kinda good (like a physical feeling of accomplishment).

The plan for today is to hit the gym to run while my body is still in workout mode from yesterday. Whoo hoo!


At 12:03 PM, Blogger Terri said...

ouch! that is a SERIOUS workout. i'm so proud of you, kim! i'd wuss out because i'm enjoying being lazy.


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