Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Little Accomplishments

I must say I am extremely proud of myself after tonight's training.

As I've mentioned before, I've been run/walk-ing the whole time. Even back when I lived in Austin and ran more often (when I lived with Stacey), the most I could run without stopping to walk was .25 miles at a time.

I've been getting better and better (as far as endurance goes) each week, and about half a mile in (running on my own), I ran into one of my running buddies from a past run. We were running and talking and she was like "I totally think we can run this whole thing without stopping...."

So that was it.

3.4 miles later, we were back at our starting point, having run the whole way except for maybe one or two blocks total between finishing our first loop and mustering up some energy to start the second.

That's the longest I've run nonstop. And now that I've done this, I'm a little less discouraged.

I also love the mentors and coaches....everytime we passed by one of them, they'd cheer for us and tell us that we were doing great....I even got a "Go Kim!" from my mentor as we passed eachother on the trail.


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