Sunday, May 28, 2006

Texans Everywhere

Saturday morning, they broke us up into groups again for the run. Lindsay joined the 4-mile group and I was in the group of slow beginners (haha) and half-marathoners. My group did 2 1/2 - 3 miles.

As we started running, I immediately found a running buddy who ran at my we started talking about running, the marathon and why we're doing this since we're both not the biggest fans of running in the first place.....

I find out she's from Houston, too! This makes the 3rd person we've met so far from Texas. There's a girl in Lindsay's group who is from San Antonio, and a past honored teammate (non-hodgkins lymphoma) who is from Dallas.

So...anyways, my Houston friend and I ended up finishing at the front of our pack....37 minutes which is not that great, but as long as I'm not the last one to finish, I'm good!


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