Monday, June 05, 2006

Spirit Cape!

So....our social captain, Elle, came up with this idea of a "spirit cape." Each marathon has its own spirit cape -- Nike/SF (the one Lindsay and I are doing), Chicago and NYC.

And, every week or so, these spirit capes are awarded to someone in our 150+ training group after being nominated by their mentor. We're broken up into even smaller groups of 5-10 people and each group has a mentor that serves as a group leader and their contact for TNT. If they feel so inclined, a mentor will nominate one of their group members that they feel deserve to recieve this honor for various reasons.

This past Saturday was the first day that these spirit capes were being awarded, and I happened to be the first Nike Marathon participant to recieve it!! :-)

It's such a huge honor and I was completely taken by surprise when I heard Elle talking about me and then eventually saying my name.

From her follow-up email:


Kim Arenas – Kim's mom, who lives in Texas, is currently getting treatments for blood cancer. She was diagnosed soon after Kim moved to NYC, so this is Kim's way of helping and staying connected with her mom despite the miles between them. As her mentor Jen said "she is so motivated, and such a good sport – she's amazing!"

I gave my mentor a big hug after I recieved it. She's such an awesome gal. I was truly touched, because when they were introducing me, they mentioned my motivation for doing this -- my mom. I truly do hope that I'm making her proud. Every mile that I finish is for her, and she's what is on my mind whenever I feel like I can't run another step.

And I can't thank all of you enough -- those that have already made such generous donations and those of you that are still waiting on that big paycheck (right??) or have said even just one prayer for my mom. I won't let y'all down. I'm doing this for all of y'all, too!

so....that was 3 miles on Saturday. Tomorrow is a fundraising clinic (Lindsay and I already have a few ideas up our sleeve for a fundraiser in the city) and then practice on Wednesday. By the end of this month, we'll be running 4-5 miles during our long runs on Saturdays!!! I'm actually looking forward to it. I must be nuts!

Oh...another thing about the spirit cape -- it gets passed around to a new person each time, so when we get it, we're supposed to decorate it in some way so that by the end of it all, it's covered in decorations from all the recipients. I'm working on it today and will post a picture of it as soon as I finish!

edit 9:08pm: met up with Lindsay at the Reservoir after work for a quick run. add another 3 miles onto to tally! :-)


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