I left my heart in San Francisco
We're back!! Our plane landed back in New York last night and I am now a half-marathoner.
15,000 runners and walkers. 4,500 from Team in Training. More than $24 MILLION has been raised for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in the 2 years that the Nike Women's Marathon has been in existence. In its third year, it is expected to reach $40 million. How amazing is that?
Anyways...San Francisco was beautiful. We caught the most amazing view of the Golden Gate Bridge at some point after the GIANT hill at mile 6-7. The sun was just coming up and there was fog all along the bottom of the bridge. It looked like a postcard.
I'll have a full run-down of the weekend up tonight, hopefully. An email, too. Just trying to get all caught up on the week's worth of work that I missed, so I'll work on that tonight. Keep an eye out for that. I'm waiting on pictures from some people so when I have a full album, I'll send that out.
All you need to know for now is that I crossed the finish line!
...and AWAY we go!
T-minus 1 day!!!
So, in just a bit more than 24 hours, Lindsay and I are off to the west coast to take over San Francisco!!
I'm more excited than nervous at this point. I'm looking forward to a nice vacation, some sightseeing, gorgeous weather (compared to this rainy NY weather!) and...believe it or not....the 13.1 miles. I'm finally starting to feel normal again after being sick for a few days, so I haven't been out for a run in more than a week! It's weird. Who ever thought I'd MISS being outside and running?
My plan is to approach the race just like any of our long distance training runs. I'm not shooting for a specific time. I just want to get out there, see the city on foot, wave to the cheering crowds and cross that finish line alive!! I'm almost kind of sad that this whole experience is almost over, but I'll be sure to soak up every moment of this weekend and, of course, remember the very reason(s) why I am out there. Team in Training will no doubt be the biggest presence out there this weekend. This specific race is in existence for the sole purpose of raising funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. There will be THOUSANDS of us out there in support of this cause that has become so very close to my heart in the last year.
Our New York City chapter, alone, has raised close to $1 million. At this time last week, we were at about $990,000 and rising.
So, here is one last THANK YOU -- GRACIAS -- MERCI -- GRAZIE -- DANKE -- ARIGATO -- SALAMAT!!! Thank you so much for your donations, your words of encouragement, your prayers, your support...everything!
The next time you hear from me, I will officially be a half-marathoner!! Have a great weekend and think happy thoughts for me on Sunday eaaarrrrllly in the morning!!!
what hurts the most...
After my 10 mile run yesterday, I'm super sore today. I did a fair amount of stretching, but I was ready to get OUT of that park after almost 2 1/2 hours there, so perhaps I didn't do enough. At any rate, let's just say....I'm in a little bit of pain. Everywhere. But, it's okay. That was my LAST long run before marathon day!! We're in the "tapering phase," so while we will continue to run, we're not doing long distances anymore. When the day comes, we'll be ready to push through the last few miles (evident in our long runs) so the half marathoners are only doing 6 miles at the most, just to keep our muscles limber and in running condition.
She didn't leave me. :-P
(and, for the record, I walked out of my door at 6:15. I was holding things in my hand -- didn't bother putting them in my bag just yet JUST SO I could be out the door at 6:15. HA!)
Anyways, Lindsay was kind enough to serve as our driver on a nice little drive to escape the city. The park was right by Rutgers University.
trails and surrounding trees and water served as wonderful scenery and the weather was PERFECT, if not a little chilly at first (to the point where you could see your breath) -- but once you got running, you warmed up and it was great.
it was very early.
and we were very sleepy.
i don't actually have any pictures from the actual trails...haha.