Saturday, September 16, 2006

One Month to Go....

Just a little over a month left of training before we hit the hills of San Francisco.

Had a nice talk with Ramon, our coach, earlier this week so I'm back on track and refreshed and ready to do some hardcore training for the next 5 weeks and get some mileage knocked out.

Today's practice was cancelled but they advised us to join the New York RoadRunners on their long training run today. Well, that ended up being quickly filled up (had to register for it), so I just met my running buddy, Aviva, at 8:30am for our own run.

9 miles.

Okay....well, I ran about 8 and walked the last one just so I could get that last mile in. My legs wouldn't have made it and my feet were already incredibly swollen from the constant pounding against the concrete. I just had to get the mileage in no matter what. It should be easier next was unusually hot today and it was my first long run in a while.

We kept running into one guy during our run that called me "Texas" because I was wearing a UT shirt. "Way to go, Texas!" "Takin' a break, Texas?" etc. I like to think he had a little crush on me. hahaha. Runners in Central Park tend to be pretty friendly, I've noticed. We're all out there doing the same kinda have a connection with anyone else that is up early on a Saturday morning running 10+ miles. Sometimes you ask/answer random questions (which way is the boathouse? what mile is this? where'd you get your cute shorts?) and sometimes you get the chatty ones that run right beside you for more than 10 seconds and try to have a conversation (" you girls doing?'re from texas? i'm from new mexico. i mean...i know it's not the same thing, but...they're right next to each long have you been out here? blahblah..zzz" and you just want them to leave you alone). Sometimes it's cool and you discuss the marathon you're training for, which flavor Gu is the best, where you got your cute pink fuel belt -- basically, a conversation you wouldn't ever have with someone who isn't also a runner (*gasp* can you believe i'm actually considered a RUNNER now?).

Anyways....we love the CP runners. The bicylists are a different story. SO MEAN! Zooming past you and yelling to get out of their way. That's why the runners laugh when you fall! Here we are running our little hearts out, and you've got WHEELS. You don't even have to PEDAL on the downhill! Just sit. Grrr. Seriously....people on bikes are mean. If you've ever been a tourist in Central Park, then even you know what I'm talking about.

Okay....I got off on a tangent somehow. My bad.

My point is...I ran 9 miles today, and only 5 more weeks until San Francisco! We're all getting really excited. My friend, Tessa, is driving up from L.A. so I'm excited to see her again, too. Should be a blast...I can't wait!


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