Monday, August 28, 2006

Run, Lindsay, Run

HUGE congratulations to Lindsay for completing the first annual NYC Nike Half-Marathon!

The weather was icky and, at one point, started pouring down rain but she finished! YAY!

(and if co-worker Kelly is reading this, congratulations to you, too!)

I, on the other hand, wasn't in the city this past weekend....went to visit a friend in I was able to sleep in on Saturday morning and get a run in on the treadmill at her house. Can I just tell you...I hate treadmills! 1 mile feels like 5 miles. You're just running in place and feeling like you're not getting anywhere. Ick. least I ran. I even did some crunches after the run so now my abs are sore.

Then we ate a lot of chocolate that night (it was just a bunch of girls!) so I probably cancelled out most of my workout. Oh well! I counted it as vacation. :-)


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