Friday, July 07, 2006

Let "The Hills" Begin

Yay! This is my official debut on Run Kimmy Run (I had to get Kim to show me how to do this, because even though I once had a Xanga site, I never used it:/.)Formal introductions aside, I am Lindsay and I have been sweating alongside Kim these first months of training.

On Wednesday, Kim "forgot" her running stuff (I blame it on too many fireworks the night before, if you know what I mean) so I was left all alone to face our very first hill practice. Basically, for the next seven weeks, yes that's right, 7 WHOLE WEEKS, our team will be tackling every hill in Central Park. This means we will be working to increase our efficiency running up hills so we are ready for the very up and down course San Francisco offers. Watch out Lombard Street here we freakin' come!

Our assignment Wednesday night: Run a 1.7 mile warm up and then run up and down Cat Hill (see key below for description of Cat Hill) until Ramon, our coach, told us to stop. In my best estimation, I think I ran up and down about 7 times.

Quads sore, check. Calfs sore, check. Six flights of stairs left to walk up once I got back to my apartment, check. All in all it was a good workout.

Since you'll probably be hearing a lot about "The Hills" (no, not the MTV show, silly!), for future reference here's my hand dandy key to the Hills of Central Park:

Cat Hill: Right past the boathouse on E. 72nd. It's a fairly stiff slope affectionately named for the panther statue perched up on the hillside. I swear it's always staring at me as I am struggling up the hill. Stop staring at me panther!

Harlem "Heartbreak" Hill: Appropriately named Heartbreak Hill, this steep incline after 108th Street winds its way through the North Woods in many treacherous curves and is quite the demanding climb. Reaching the summit might be a victory for runners, but only the most experienced should consider this potentially stressful route. (p.s. I pulled this description from a Central Park web site, but it sure sounds scary.)

W. Longdown Hill: Yet to be seen. But this one sounds easy.

Little West Hill: Yet to be seen. How hard could the cute little baby hills be?

Apt. #6B: The hill I get to go up apartment. Six flights of approximately 60 stairs.


At 2:40 PM, Blogger Kim said...

HAHAHAHA. love the update, lindsay.

first entry and you already called me out! i must clarify that not only did i conveniently forget my running clothes, but i had a bazillion things to do after work, too, so i was still running around the city...just not on the hills. :-)


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