Thursday, July 20, 2006

Run for Central Park

I'm running my first race on Saturday.

4 miles.

In this heat, even the shorter distances feel harder to run. Add to that, my sister and Jae are going to be here this weekend (yay!), so it will be an accomplishment just to get out of bed that early much less cross the finish line alive! I have to meet the rest of the TNT folks at 7:45 am. Oy.

Working out is supposed to give you more energy, but I just feel more and more tired. No bueno. The running and fundraising, in addition to transitioning into my new position at work, leave little time for much else. Add my chronic insomnia into the mix, and it's just a recipe for disaster.

But...I'm hanging in there. I just want October to be here already! I need a vacation. And some rest. And my social life back!


At 10:56 AM, Blogger Terri said...

how did the race go?

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Kim said...

i actually missed out on the whole thing. :-( my sister and her boyfriend were grounded in DC on their way to new york, so i had to make sure they got on a flight saturday morning. thus...too late to head out for the run.


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